Saturday, August 9, 2008

Welcome to Foreign Events!

Dear Visitor,

Welcome to the Foreign Events Blog, a portal in which I, Nick Mulder, will publish articles, essays, news and commentary about a wide range of global issues that feature in contemporary international politics, economics, society. In addition, I will reflect on historical and philosophical questions that continue to play a role in the world of international affairs. Most of the information on my blog will be in English, in order to be able to address a larger, international audience. I will try to update at least once a week, but of course the frequency of my posts will depend on the amount of interesting and relevant events that occur.

Let me introduce myself first. My name is Nick Mulder, I am Dutch and very involved and interested in international affairs, in the widest sense imagineable. My interests within this area range from the conduct of modern multilateral diplomacy to the development of free trade and from the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons to international (public and criminal) law, and I have been debating, researching and analyzing them for quite some time now. A while ago I realized it would be worth the effort to share my opinions, interpretations and observations with regard to these important issues with a wider public, and I found the Internet to be the perfect medium to put this wish into practice.

My aim in sustaining this blog is not to personally attack, insult or provoke any person, ethnic group, activist movement or religious community in particular, but rather to address an array of topics that I find of particular importance in today's world, to provide information, commentary and suggestions about these questions or events (and their consequences in a larger context), and to stimulate readers to contemplate these issues themselves - and share their views about them with me and other visitors. I encourage a lively and constructive debate and do not pretend to be an authority or unbiased commentator on every subject; if you feel I am wrong, do not hesitate to comment on my published materials. For now, I hope you will enjoy reading this blog as much as I will enjoy composing it, and that it will incite you to give our world some thought of your own. Timendi causa est nescire ("The cause of fear is ignorance", Seneca)

Truly yours,

Nick Mulder

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